Friday, 9 July 2010

DVD Cover analysis

This is the DVD cover for Missy Elliot and Busta Rhymes in Super Human . The title is eye catching and links with the colour scheme of red and yellow. The 2 artists are positioned in the centre of the image to show their significance. In smaller print the features of the dvd and title tracks are on the bottom of the image.

On The back of the DVD cover the Title is repeated in the same colour as the front but in smaller text. Down the left hand side is 4 still images of individual tracks on the dvd. There is a small blurb describing what is included on the DVD and talks about the different tracks. Below that is a list of tracks included on the DVD and who they are by. In smaller print there is small statement backing up the director. Also included at the bottom is a list of directors and producers and everybody included in the making of the songs. In the big white box you have a neccesary information such as running time, the date that the dvd was made, the certification ratings, special features headings, copyright information, a barcode, company logo and certification logo.

It has a small thumbnail of the front cover picture on the spine. It also has the title on the spine in the same yellow like the one on the front cover. It has the company logo and catalogue number.

On the disc:
It has the same information as it does on the spine, but in a more simple font & black and white.

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